
ZHA zigbee

Remove ZHA integration, delete zigbee.db and restart hass

Factory reset by pressing the middle “link” button 4 times rapidly. A red LED should display on the front indicating it has been reset. This also puts the device into pairing mode.

Factory reset by pressing the “link” button 4 times rapidly. A red LED should display on the front indicating it has been reset. This also puts the device into pairing mode.

Factory reset by powering on 6 times

Factory reset by pressing the “link” button 4 times rapidly. A red LED should display on the front indicating it has been reset. This also puts the device into pairing mode.

Factory reset by powering on 4 times

  • projects/iotaiuto/zigbee.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/11/01 12:10
  • by scipio